Since it was launched five years ago by the Director Srikanth Kodali, K-Tronics Limited(HK) & K-Tronics India Pvt. Ltd., has become the industry’s fastest growing independent stocking distributor of electrical components. This has been accomplished by a small, highly productive team who are passionate about what they do.
Our team of electronics and telecommunications engineers brings over 10 years of industry expertise, a diverse background, and a broad range of professional experience to the company. This in-house engineering capability gives K-Tronics a distinct competitive advantage.
Adding warehouse space enabled Ktronics to stock high demand inventory, further improving delivery times, and opened up space to support our Excess Inventory Program.
With over 30% average annual growth and a rapidly increasing customer base, management’s decision to build a company based on long term relationships, and focused on solving electronic component shortages quickly, clearly meets a need in the market.
For more information about K-Tronics and how we can help your business, contact us today